Thanks to All of Our Volunteers!
Co-chairs / organizers
Colleen Neff
Ann Killebrew
Jim Fisher
Jeanne Brenna
Ellen Dougherty
Far I Shields
Food prep
Raines Cohen & Betsy Morris
Mary Laird & John Malork
Lorraine Schnurr
Jane Alexiadis
Marilyn Vihman
Maria Reeves
Deborah Malbec
Shireen Burns
Jan Robitscher
Dianne Ayres
Erfert Fenton
Charlene Woodcock
Christie Coffin
Susan McKenzie
Norman Bookstein
Andrea & Michael Sharff
Arlene Baxter & David Mostardi
Mari & Paul Litsky
Ellen Singer-Vine
Roger Carr & Jana Olson
Kathleen Weaver
Setup, serving, and cleanup
Ann Killebrew
Ellen Dougherty
Jim Fisher
Nina Davis
Susan McKenzie
Norman Bookstein
Christie Coffin
Mari & Paul Litsky
Geoff & Pat Chandler
Nancy Rubin
Deborah Malbec
Raines Cohen
Consulting Caterers
The Staff of Good and Plenty Catering
Tod Nysether
Financial support
Charlene Harrington
Mari Kursk
Doug & Susan McKenzie
Jim Fisher & Katharine Mieszkowski
Colleen Neff
Barbara Rydlander
Lorraine Schnurr
Andrea & Michael Sharff
Bhuma Subramaniam
Coordinator - UC Food Pantry
Colleen Neff
Natalia Semeraro

We hope to organize such events more than once per year.
It takes "community" to make this possible.
If you would like to get involved in future events, contributing your time, donations or helping us with food/cooking please stay in touch!
Contact us: