Many thanks to all who helped make the HSC Spring Dinner a success. First and foremost, the members and friends who came to the dinner. We reached full capacity (80 for this dinner) and appreciate the financial support of those who had to cancel coming to the dinner. Our costs were also defrayed by a generous donation of wine from the HSC Dance Committee.

There is a lot that goes into putting together a dinner: coordinating entertainment and catering, printing and sending out the invitations, setting up and decorating the hall, providing appetizers, greeting attendees and checking them in, serving wine during social time and during the dinner, cleaning up after dinner, and taking home the linens to wash.
Many thanks to the dinner committee Mari Litsky (chair), Eric Love, Jim Fisher, Susan McKenzie, Ruth Grimes and our manager Ellen Dougherty for all their work and to the following members who helped out: Erfert Fenton, Mary Laird, Lynn Davis, Shireen Burns, Paul Litsky, Barry Endick, Bhuma Subramaniam, Barbara Rydlander, Roger Sharpe, Micahel and Andrea Scharff, Doug MeKenzie, Arlene Baxter, David Mostardi, Raines Cohen and Deborah Malbec.

A special thank you goes to our wine gurus Kirk McKusick and Eric Allman, and to our concert maestro Bruce Koball, for their dedication and continuing support of the club dinners.
We hold three member dinners a year, the next one is scheduled for Monday September 12th. Please mark your calendars and consider volunteering in one or more of the tasks mentioned above. It's never too early to help out, so email if you have an idea to share and want to help in planning the next dinner.