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September 2018

The History Corner

by David Mostardi, Club Historian

Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

September 1918

Business Meeting, War Services Section: Miss Annie Woodall rendered a report of the Committee in charge of the Sandwich Booth at the 4th of July celebration, showing that the net receipts were $128.82, which amount was turned in to the Red Cross.

Report of the work done during the summer months by the War Service Section was given by Mrs. Culp who, at the same time, asked for volunteers to fill 1000 bags to be sent to the French soldiers for Christmas, and also announced a Band Party to be given by the War Service Section on September 23rd to help replenish their working fund.

Mr. Irving then read extracts from letters written “overseas” by Major Galloway, Wallace Leland and Livingston Irving, representative of the three branches of the service, respectively land, sea, and air. The letters were exceedingly interesting, helping us to better understand conditions “over there.”

September 1943

Annual Dinner: The point system, curtailment of food and a shortage of caterers is going to make this Annual Dinner unique and unparalleled. Food will be abundant, but the manner in which it will be served may be revolutionary. The entertainment will be provocative, galvanic, infective, fascinating, intoxicating, entrancing and, above all, entertaining.

The theme for the evening is “Pioneer Daze” and members are requested to come attired in early California costumes. Diamond Jim Brady will be master of ceremonies; Lola Montez and the woman that’s known as Lou will entertain; Black Bart, gentleman bandit, may be there to write poetry to the lovely ladies and who know, even a regular hanging may take place or a shooting scrape may enliven the evening’s festivities.

[Wartime rationing began in April 1942 with sugar: each person was allowed 8 oz. per week, half of normal consumption. Rationing soon grew to include products such as typewriters, gasoline, bicycles, footwear, silk, nylon, fuel oil, stoves, meat, lard, shortening and food oils, cheese, butter, margarine, processed foods (canned, bottled, and frozen), dried fruits, canned milk, firewood and coal, jams, and jellies. Any kind of metal was particularly scarce: for example, purchasing a tube of toothpaste—the tubes were metal back then—was prohibited unless you brought in empty tube in exchange.]

September 1968

Welcome Back! – I am sure all of us fully appreciate our Hillside Club; not just the tangibles such as the musical and dramatic programs, the interesting speakers and pictures and the annual parties, but also the intangibles—the Club’s heritage of sound tradition, the warm friendliness of the members, the opportunity to share one’s talents while enjoying the talents of others, etc. Therefore I know that we are all looking forward with anticipation to the year of the Club activities that is about to begin and to the renewing of our association with our Hillside friends. So, Happy New (Club) Year to all. – Allen Stacy, President

Telephone: The Board of Directors at its June meeting decided to replace the present extension telephone in the closet off the auditorium with a coin-operated one. The very slight additional cost of an occasional dime to a member for an outgoing call is offset by the very great advantage of eliminating the nuisance of policing this telephone and collecting toll charges by the custodians during periods when the clubhouse is being used by outsiders.

September 1993

Fireside Meeting: Did you know that we have a Western Aerospace Museum? Our speaker for the first Fireside Meeting will be Ronald Reuter, an author and the founder of the Museum, located adjacent to the Oakland Airport, featuring extensive indoor and outdoor exhibits. He will speak on the History of Aviation as it pertains to the Museum. [The Oakland Aviation Museum still exists and is located on Earhart Road adjacent to the Oakland Airport’s North Field. Twenty-seven different aircraft are on display.]

Membership: The Club is still faced with our perennial problem of maintaining a full and adequate level of membership. We are not alone in this as almost all clubs and organizations are experiencing difficulty in attracting new members. We have a great deal to offer, and I implore each and every member to give full support to the Membership Committee is all possible ways. – Larry Burnley, President.

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