In Memoriam
Some Club members will remember Roslyn Bullas and Michael McKay, members here from 2009-12, whereupon they moved to New Zealand. Roslyn passed away on July 1 at their rural home in Ruakokoputuna, outside Wellington. She was 58 years old. Roslyn was raised in Loma Linda, California, and studied political science at Cal. She met Michael on the roof of their student co-op apartment and became partners for forty years. Roslyn was a hiker, mountain climber, scuba diver, and river rafter, in the tradition of her great-grandfather George Graham, who was a member of the first team to climb Mt. Cook, the tallest mountain in New Zealand, in 1894. She loved theater, and she and Michael were two of the longest-serving volunteer ushers at Berkeley Rep. Roslyn’s career was as an editor and associate publisher, and worked for Wilderness Press, Peach Pit Press, and Lonely Planet.
Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago
October 1920
Business Meeting: Illustrated lecture, “When Berkeley Was A Village,” by the Hon. William H. Waste, Presiding Justice, District Court of Appeal, First District. Judge Waste took us all back to the days when our beautiful city was a small village. Many interesting tales were told of the early days, and a large number of slides were shown which were painstakingly collected by him. [William Harrison Waste was born near Chico, California in 1868. He graduated from the University of California in 1891 and Hastings Haw School in 1894. He co-founded the Berkeley Public Library in 1893 and was its first president. Waste was appointed to the Alameda County Superior Court in 1905, and to the First District Court of Appeal in 1918. When the State Bar of California was created in 1927, Waste was the first lawyer to be registered and was assigned State Bar Number 1. Waste died in office in 1940 at the age of 71.]
Civic Affairs Committee: Committee Chair Professor Charles F. Shaw will discuss and analyze the fifteen or twenty measures to be voted upon at the November presidential election. Many of these proposed measures are quite revolutionary and should be thoroughly understood. [In the 1920 election, the Republicans Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge won in a landslide over the Democrats James M. Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was the first election in which women had the right to vote in all 48 states, and the total popular vote increased from 18.5 million in 1916 to 26.8 million.]
October 1945
Fireside Meeting: Our member J. Hunter Clark will attempt to answer the question “What Is Ahead In Labor Relations?” This is a subject that concerns not only industry and agriculture but also the domestic help situation. Mr. Clark is a Consulting Industrial Engineer representing dozens of firms throughout California employing labor. He draws upon a wide experience in discussing this subject which is of particular interest now because of the increasing labor unrest following the end of the war.
Our Members In the Armed Forces: Brig. Gen. Blake, USMC, we are just advised, ahs been awarded the Gold Star for meritorious service in formulating policies and working out administrative details as Chief of Staff to the Island Commander of Guam. The presentation was made on Okinawa by Gen. Joseph Stillwell. And our Lt. Ted Heinrich was recently presented the Bronze Star Medal for special meritorious service in connection with military operations in Germany. Ted is now with the Group Control Council at Hochst, Germany. [Ted Heinrich was highlighted in this column in September 2009.]
October 1970
Fireside Meeting: Our speaker will be Dr. E. Gorton Linsley. He is Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences of the Berkeley Campus of the University of California. He will present his pictures of the animal life of the Galapagos Islands. [Earle Gorton Linsley, known to everyone as “Gort,” was born in Oakland in 1910. He became fascinated by insects as a child and earned in BS, MS and Ph.D. degrees at UC Berkeley, in the process becoming one of the world’s experts on longhorned beetles. He joined the Cal faculty in 1939 and advanced to Professor in 1953. He was the Chair of the Department of Entomology and Parasitology from 1951-59. In 1960, he was appointed Dean of the College of Agriculture. He authored over 400 articles and books, primarily on longhorned beetles and solitary bees. He named 458 species of beetles and had over 60 species named for him. His professional activities, appointments, memberships, and honors were numerous. He died in 2000.]
Autumn Safari: We will meet at the clubhouse at 10am, travel over the Bay Bridge and down Highway 1 by chartered Greyhound to Pigeon Point for a visit to the lighthouse, eat a picnic lunch along the way, spend some time in Santa Cruz with a brief stop at the Felton Big Tree Grove, then a 6pm dinner at Scopazzi’s in Boulder Creek in a private dining room: cross ribs of beef and all the trimmings. Home by about 10pm. [The Scopazzi’s restaurant in Boulder Creek is still in business, open for takeout during the pandemic, but closed recently because of the CZU wildfires.]
October 1995
The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!