October 2017
The History Corner
by David Mostardi, Club Historian
Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago
October 1917
Liberty Bonds: Mrs. Gerberding addressed the Club on the subject of Liberty bonds, urging all to subscribe. Samuel Anderson from Robert College, Constantinople, spoke a few words on the desperate need for giving freely to the fund now being raised in Berkeley for the relief of starving Armenians who have survived murder and deportation horror inflicted by the Turk. “These people are Christians, and of the Caucasian race,” said Anderson. “It is mostly women and children who are left now, and there are over two million of them dependent upon America for their very existence. I have just received a telegram, telling of the terrible conditions in Turkey and the Caucasus, and saying that the money already sent by generous Americans has been distributed. The amount sent was, however, but a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed, and a campaign is now being carried on all over the country to raise a larger sum each month. We all have so many calls nowadays for the Liberty bonds, which are so necessary, for the United States must have the money to win this war, and for the French people, and the Belgians. We must give to these. But we must not fail to give the Armenians whose need is as great as any.” [The Armenian genocide began in 1915 and continued until 1923. Robert College was founded in 1863 in Istanbul, Turkey, then known as Constantinople. It is the oldest American school outside the US still in its original location.]
Comfort Bags: Mrs. T. S. Mathias spoke of the comfort bags which members of the Club are preparing to send to France by November 1st. She told of the desired contents, and of how great is the need among the soldiers for handkerchiefs, as well as paper, envelopes, pencils, soap, puzzles, and other articles which may be included. One woman has offered to give and furnish the material for twelve comfort bags, but many more are expected from members of the Club.
October 1942
Wartime Rationing: The Sugar Rationing Board says that the Hillside Club is not entitled to sugar because we do not serve enough meals. Members! Do you realize what this means if Hillsiders are deprived of their sugar? No coffee! No chocolate! No attendance! You are each asked to bring with you to the fireside Meeting your tithe of sugar and at the conclusion of the business meeting, it will be collected and placed in our safe deposit vault to safekeeping.
Peace Plan Discussion Group: This new and virile section will meet at the Burrell home. Herbert Hoover’s book, “The Lasting Peace,” will be reviewed, after which time will be set aside for comments and brief discussions. Members of this section have already formulated some interesting plans for the program for the December Fireside Meeting.
October 1967
Fireside Meeting: The speaker for the evening will be Dr. Charles I. Morris, a Psychiatrist, who will tell us something about LSD and other psychedelic drugs, their historical role, their use, and their related problems in today’s society. This subject appears to be very timely and should prove extremely interesting.
Dramatic Activities Section: Theatrical lighting has undergone much creative innovation and development in the last few years. The lighting is often important a factor in a production as the setting, the sound, the dialog even. To bring us an up-to-date backstage view, we will bring in Mr. James Jewell, who has had much to do with the San Francisco Opera, the Cow Palace, even the new Grace Cathedral lighting. [Mr. Jewell, who has also designed lighting for the Golden Gate Bridge, is still an active lighting consultant.]
October 1992
Fireside Meeting: Our speaker will be Nancy Hessol, a research epidemiologist with the AIDS Office of the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Nancy will give a talk entitled “The Impact of AIDS on the Individual and on the World.” Nancy, an active participant in the recent International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, will report on current efforts to develop new treatments for AIDS victims and to control the spread of this puzzling disease. [Nancy Hessol is currently Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at the UCSF School of Pharmacy, where she continues to specialize in HIV disease progression and mortality and HIV-related malignancies.]