October 2020
The History Corner
Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago
October 1921

Business Meeting: Mrs. W. H. Marston, of the City Playground Commission, gave an
interested talk on the subject of “City Playgrounds,” showing Berkeley’s needs and also
pointing out what is being accomplished in this line. Prof. J. W. Gregg, of the same
commission, followed with a talk on “The Parks of the City.” He urged that people use
their influence to secure gifts of land for Park purposes. His address was most inspiring
and he left us with a vision of the Berkeley of the future made beautiful by its people and
cherished and cared for by all who dwell here. Dr. Carol Aronovici, consultant for the
Berkeley City Planning and Housing Commission, gave a most interesting and
illuminating talk on practical city planning, while Mr. Maybeck added his word of
appreciation and suggestions. Dr. Aronovici is Expert Consultant for Berkeley and
Richmond, and has lectured at various universities on the subject of city planning. He is
at present attending the California League of Municipalities at Santa Monica and will be
able to give us a report on the work of that organization.
Directors Meeting: The College Woman’s Club sent a communication, asking for a
delegate to a mass meeting in regard to securing better films in the Motion Picture
Theaters. It was moved and carried that we send a delegate, the President to name the
Annual Dinner: The dinner will be served at the Club House at one dollar and fifty cents
per plate.
October 1946
Fireside Meeting: The Berkeley Public School System, as well as all of California, is
confronted with a rapidly mounting school population, a dangerously dwindling teacher
supply and inadequate housing facilities. These factors cause the most serious crisis in its
history. Berkeley is attempting to meet this crisis by submitting to the voters a bond issue
to provide such means as may be required. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Frank W. Hart
of the Department of Education at the University of California. His subject will be “The
School Bond Issue.”
Annual picnic: The picnic will be held at the Taylor Ranch in Redwood City. Come and
bring the whole family. You are welcome to come for lunch if you wish, but be sure to
stay for supper, when all Hillsiders will gather before the evening campfire and program.
During the afternoon there will be games for both young and old. Bring your own food,
sugar, cups, and silverware. The Club will furnish coffee, cream, and ice cream.
October 1971
Fireside Meeting: Leanore and Charles Ott, avid students of the game preserves of
Africa, will present a series of fascinating wildlife slides taken in the past two years
during nearly two months spent in such out-of-the-way places as Tanzania, Uganda, and
Kenya. Some of their pictures are of the “one of a kind” variety that only excellent
photographers, who are also students of the area, are able to get. Some of the deep lakes
they visited have bottoms that are actually as much as 900 feet below sea level, and
contain much out-sized fish and reptile life. The Otts are a talented pair of speakers who
will provide us with a look and with understanding of a section of the “Dark Continent”
that not too many people have visited.
Dramatic Activities Section: “The Lesson,” a one-act play by Ruth Draper, will be
presented by Pauline Hague. Mrs. Hague was born in London and attended the Royal
College of Music. She has toured both England and the United States doing theatre and
music work. We know you all will enjoy her presentation of “The Lesson.”
October 1996
The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you
know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the
early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!
