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November 2019

The History Corner

by David Mostardi, Club Historian

Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

November 1919

War Service: Mr. Mathis requested the War Service Committee of the Club to work during November for the peoples of Serbia and Northern France, who are sadly in need of provisions and clothing for the winter.

Waterfront Lease: Mr. Foulds introduced Mr. Charles Heywood, who talked to us on the Waterfront Lease from an economic strandpoint, after which Mr. Maybeck presented the artistic side of the same subject. Both were of interest to the Club. [In the fall of 1919, the Berkeley City Council voted to lease the waterfront for economic development: wharves, piers, docks, etc. It was a controversial issue, and opponents feared that Berkeley would lose control of its waterfront and have little or no say in how the improvements would be built.]

November 1944

Fireside Meeting: This will be a particularly enjoyable evening for those who are interest in either fine moving pictures or in foreign countries. Mr. G. C. Gester, consulting geologist for Standard Oil Company of California, will present for us Kodachrome moving pictures of Arabia, a country that is far enough removed form Berkeley and sufficiently mysterious to excite the interest of all of us. The pictures themselves are remarkably good. Mr. Gester will supplement them with descriptions of his experiences in that part of the world. [George Clark Gester (1884-1959) was born in Buffalo, New York, and came to California as a teenager. He received his BS in mining engineering and geology from the University of California in 1909, where he was also the first captain of the Cal soccer team. He lived in Berkeley for the rest of his life.]

War Service: The War Service Committee, of which Mrs. Howard Kennard is chairman, is doing a fine piece of work serving in the U.S.O. canteen at the Berkeley YMCA from 3-7 in the afternoon on the first Saturday of each month. This is one activity in which all of us can take our turns in being of real service.

November 1969

Fireside Meeting: The subject will be “American-Chinese Relations: An End to the Impasse?” Our speaker will be Dr. Joyce Kallgren, Vice-chairman of the Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley. Dr. Kallgren, who lived in China as a child and holds two degrees from UC and a doctorate from Harvard, has published articles in Asian Survey and China Quarterly on Chinese problems. She is presently on the Political Science faculty at UC Davis, and has travelled recently in Southeast Asia. [Joyce Kislitzin Kallgren (1930-2013) was born in San Francisco. A recognized expert in her field, she also served terms as Chair of the Center for Chinese Studies and Acting Director of the Institute for East Asian Studies. In 1976, she was the expert who accompanied non-partisan delegation of US Congresswomen on an official visit to China.]

November 1994

The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!

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