November 1921
Business Meeting: The Honorable will address the meeting upon the subject
of the proposed consolidation of cities of the east bay region, presenting the arguments of
both sides and commenting thereon. On account of the importance to the community of
this subject and the prominence of the distinguished authority who has consented to
address the Club, the meeting will be open to the public.
[Max Thelen Sr. (1880-1972) was a prominent East Bay attorney, specializing in railroad
law. During and after World War I he held various positions the War Department and
earned the Distinguished Service Medal. In 1920 he co-founded the firm of Thelen and
Marrin, and was a director of the First National Bank in Berkeley.
The November 1921 ballot measure proposed a “consolidation” of Oakland with up to
nine other East Bay cities, including Berkeley. On September 29, the Berkeley Daily
Gazette reported that the mayors of Emeryville, Piedmont and Alameda participated in a
meeting to organize the “Alameda County Anti-Division League.” One speaker argued
that the proposal would “segregate and divide our rapidly growing and developing
county” and create a new Oakland “machine” for political corruption.
Thelen also opposed the measure. On October 20, two weeks before his appearance at the
Hillside Club, he spoke at a meeting at Berkeley High School, saying “here in this
favored locality, we men and women of Berkeley have built not merely a city of wood
and brick and stone with streets and avenues between, but a city which stands for
whatever is clean and forward-looking in municipal life, a city which creates within us
the joy and the inspiration of civic patriotism—a city with a soul. And when we are
asked, as we now are, to give up all our most cherished powers of local government, let
us consider carefully and seriously before we take the step which, once taken, is
irrevocable.” The results of the election were decisive: Oakland was the only city to vote
for consolidation.]
Board Meeting: A communication from the Science church [i.e. The Second Church of
Christ, Scientist] was read. It was moved and carried that the secretary be directed to
answer, accepting the conditions mentioned, viz. a monthly rental at $100 per month and
the use of the room for the entire evening on Wednesdays as well as the special dates
named in the least of last year. [The relationship between the Hillside Club and the
Second Church was formed very early on, as a number of people were members of both.
In 1926, the Church built its new home nearby at 1521 Spruce.]
Scholarship Fund: Miss Barrows reported on the Hillside University of California
scholarship fund. Mrs. Sproul [Ida Sproul, wife of Robert Gordon Sproul, for whom
Sproul Hall is named] is the chairman of the committee, the other members being Mrs.
Randall and Miss Barrows. It was moved that this committee be allowed the use of the
club house free for either an afternoon or evening card party in January.
November 1946
Fireside Meeting: Our speaker will be Professor W. F. Meyer, of the Astornomy
Department of the University of California. His subject will be “Some Popular
Misconceptions About Astronomy,” and his talk will be illustrated with slides. Those
who have heard Professor Meyer speak on this subject assure us that it is extremely
Evening of Art: Hillsiders always look forward to the annual Evening of Art, as it is
always an original and different variation on the elusive theme of “Art.” This year, Mrs.
Goldsborough and her committee announce an exhibit of paintings, drawings, sculpture,
and ceramics from the University of California, the California College of Arts and Crafts,
and the Berkeley High School. The committee also invites the work of children of
Hillside Club members.
November 1971
Fireside Meeting: Club member George Rentz received his Ph.D. from the University of
California where he did his work under the renowned historian, Robert J. Kerner. During
World War II he served with the US State Department in Cairo, where he met his wife.
Following the war he was retained by the Arabian American Oil Company to set up a
translation and geographical research department in Saudi Arabia. From these functions,
his activities led him over the next two decades into wide-ranging studies and counseling
services on the historical, geographical, political and ethnic problems of the Arabian
Peninsula and the countries around the Persian Gulf. Dr. Rentz will discuss a topical
aspect of affairs in the Arab world, Come and hear a fascinating analysis of one of the
world’s real hot spots.
Chairs: Your Chair Committee was set up by the Board of Directors to make
recommendations on the possible purchase of new chairs for the club. During September
all members were sent a ballot to vote their preference on this question. To date, 110
members have already completed their ballots and sent them to Tommy Tomlinson,
chairman of the committee. However, it is important that we hear from all members so
that the final decision can be made at our next Fireside meeting on November 1.
November 1996
The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you
know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the
early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!