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MAY 2018

May 2018

The History Corner

by David Mostardi, Club Historian

Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

May 1918

War Services Section: Mrs. Gurdon Bradley made a report on the splendid work of the section making surgical dressings, stating that over 11,000 dressings had been turned out by the section. … Mr. Foulds read several letters from France. … A communication was read from Lt. Col. Hunter, apologizing for the tardy arrival of the boys at the recent aviation dance.

Fireside Meeting: Mr. Louis J. Stellman, the well-known writer and lecturer of San Francisco, will give an illustrated lecture entitled “The Romance of the Argonauts.” Music during intermission. Tickets 50c each of which one-half will be returned in the form of a Warn Saving Stamp to each ticket holder at the Club door. The net receipts will go to our War Service Section. Mr. Stellman’s services are donated by him for these two worthy causes and all club members are asked to purchase tickets as well as to promote the sale of same among their friends. [Louis John Stellman (1877-1966) was a photographer, newspaper columnist, biographer, painter and poet. He was born Baltimore, Maryland and came to California in 1896. His 1910 book “The Vanished Ruin Era” paired post-earthquake-and-fire photographs of San Francisco’s ruins with his poetry. In 1922 he published “Port O' Gold: A History-Romance of the San Francisco Argonauts.”]

May 1943

Clubhouse plans: The Club has received a set of the original plans and specifications of the present Club House. These had been among the papers of Mr. John D. Galloway, a member of the Club since 1905, and were presented to us by his daughter, Mrs. Ronald Foster. Mr. Galloway was very active in the planning and building of the Club House and supervised much of the work of construction. We are exceedingly grateful to have these among our records. [Your historian does not know whether these plans still exist today.]

Fireside Meeting: This will be the last Fireside Meeting of the year. Members are asked not to bring guests as this is also the annual Business Meeting at which almost anything can happen. Reports of committees will be reduced to a minimum. The Club History will be read. It has been written by a group of historians, all famous chroniclers and all specialists in the particular phase of the history which they will cover. Their perspicacity, together with there perspicuity would indicate that the Club History will be neither distorted nor fallacious but will be a chronicle of events which will be a delight to hear and to consider in retrospect.

May 1968

Spring Tour: We will spend the weekend in the Feather River Canyon, in beautiful Plumas County. Departure from the Western Pacific Station at 3rd and Washington in Oakland upon the California Zephyr. We’ll spend the night in the small hamlet of Keddie. Price of $24 includes train fare, room at Keddie, and dinner and breakfast at Keddie. Lunches on the train are not included.

May 1993

Farewell Banquet and Installation of Officers: Join your friends for our last Hillside Club Social of the year. [Over most of the Club’s history, the Spring Reception was a formal event, for members only. It was held chiefly to celebrate and welcome those people elected to membership during the Club year.]

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