The History Corner
by David Mostardi, Club Historian
Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

March 1921
For the entertainment of members and their guests, the Social Committee under Mrs. Stevick presents George Bernard Shaw’s “You Never Can Tell” on Monday evening. This is the regular club social evening and, so far as members and guests may find it convenient, formal dress is advised.
The Second performance of “You Never Can Tell” will be on Tuesday evening, open to the public. Fifty seats have been reserved and are selling for $1 each. These tickets are to be obtained only from Mrs. Johnston. Tickets to unreserved section (50 cents) may be purchased at Sather Gate Book Shop, Tupper and Reed, or Pex (University Ave. store only), and from members of the Committee.
Business Meeting: It was moved and carried that a committee be appointed by the President to investigate the subject of establishing a Hillside Club Scholarship in the University of California.
March 1946
Fireside Meeting: Hillside Club members and guests are in for a treat at this meeting. The subject, “Atomic Fission—Its Relation to You and Me,” will be discussed by our own member, E. O. Heinrich. Our Club has several professional chemists, all members of the American Chemical Society, who agree that there is none better qualified to present this subject than Mr. Heinrich. While physicists have had much publicity, and rightly so, on the atomic bomb, Hillsiders will be glad to know that chemists played the role of correlators of data upon which fission depended. The talk will be illustrated and will cover the following: 1) the chain reaction, 2) researches leading up to its discovery, 3) power, energy phase, nuclear physics, 4) secrecy and general knowledge up to 1939, 5) possible industrial uses and practical applications, 6) speculation on geological phases of atomic energy and some political implications.
March 1971
Spring Extravaganza: Our Extravaganza this year will be “A Great Day at Giblers Gap.” The script is by our versatile and still loyal member, Ed Laport, who has taken time from his many dramatic activities in Arizona to help us as stage director. The music and musical direction is by our own talented Lois Tomlinson, who has devoted so much time and ability to Hillside activities. Yes, the title will have a familiar ring to many of you. The original production was in 1962. But the script has been rewritten by the author and new music added by the composer. It was one of our best Extravaganzas when originally presented. We know you will enjoy this year’s production.
March 1996
The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!