The History Corner
by David Mostardi, Club Historian
Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

March 1920
Fireside Meeting: Prof. Charles F. Shaw, Professor of Soil Technology at the University of California, will give an address on “Selecting Land for Soldiers’ Settlements.” [The idea here was that soldiers returning from World War I would be given land on which to become farmers. As one author put it, “Over a million soldiers were drawn from rural pursuits. An equal number should be returned. … The end of the war finds the cost of food so increased as to be a serious menace to industrial progress and political stability. The milk riots of cities and the declaration of the Food Administration that price control of foods should continue for several years are two of many indications.”]
Spring Play: “An Evening in Old China” will be presented by the February Social Committee. Particular attention is called to the request that members and their guests come in Chinese costumes in order that the evening may be successful. [and afterwards…] The evening of March 15, 1920, marked an event in the history of the Hillside Club. Never before has the Club followed so consistently the spirit or the theme conceived by the Committee in Charge, and I know the Committee were fully repaid for their labors. While the hangings and costumes were a great part of the color effect, not the least feature of the evening’s entertainment was the charming and appropriate little play.
March 1945
Fireside Meeting: It seems probable that some of us might be interested in a few comments on the general conditions and customer of the people of the Philippine Islands prior to this ware. We have found for this evening a speaker who spent considerable time, several years ago, among the people of Leyte, Samar, Mindoro, Mindanao, and Luzon. The talk itself will be relieved by a number of lantern slides showing the people and their country. Unfortunately the slides are black and white stills—no kodachromes and no movies. The speaker, possible for reasons of security, has requested anonymity until March 5th.
Mardi Gras: Come one, come all, to the Mardi Gras at Hillside Club! Dress is costume old or new, funny or pretty, long or short. Here is your chance to cast off your inhibitions. Entertainment for all: music, dancing, minstrels, side shows, fortune telling, games and FOOD. Here you will see all the wonders of Barnum—plus a few we thought up ourselves! Door prizes, floor prizes, costume prizes, and—consolation prizes. Admission by White Elephant only. Bring that atrocious contraption you received for Christmas, or that cute little gadget you have no room for, and be paid for it. Yes, paid for it in the coin of the realm—King Carnival’s realm!
March 1970
Fireside Meeting: Dr. Jack Finegan, Minister of University Christian Church at Scenic and Le Conte, will speak on the subject “The Dead Sea Scrolls.” He will also show slides of this area, and of the scrolls, which he has taken during his several tours of the Holy Land. Dr. Finegan is also Professor of New Testament History and Director of the Palestine Institute of Archeology at the Pacific School of Religion. [Jack Finegan (1908-2000) was a Professor Emeritus of New Testament History and Archaeology at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California. He was the author of more than two dozen books on Christian thought and archaeology, including Handbook to Biblical Chronology, which has appeared in multiple editions. He was formerly pastor of University Christian Church, Berkeley, California and First Christian Church, Ames, Iowa.]
Spring Tour: We have secured nine extra reservations for the upstairs tour at Hearst Castle, and three for downstairs. We are hopeful that we can get at least eight more sign-ups to make the minimum number of 63 for the busses and keep from having to travel by private cars. We still have 19 rooms on hold, so any of your friends that may wish to go with us can be accommodated as long as the Hearst reservations hold out.
March 1995
The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!