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Last Friday Lunch 2021 and 2020 Archive

WELCOME BACK FRIENDS! Friday, June 25 Last Friday Lunch, from noon to 1:15

Ladies (and Gents), Emily Winston, the founder and owner of Berkeley's Boichik Bagels -- which has recently been maligned by a local financial planner and made the press again (click on image for more) -- will be our featured speaker at our Friday, June 25 Last Friday Lunch, from noon to 1:15. The event takes place inside the Hillside Club, 2286 Cedar St., in Berkeley, and it's assumed that everyone who attends will have been fully vaccinated against Covid. Emily is bringing bagels for everyone, so please RSVP to me at so I can tell her how many to bring. At $3 each, we're getting a special gift! If you haven't read about how good these bagels are -- even better than those in NY -- check out this column in the NY Times. Please bring your own topping or other repast, as we're not sharing anything except bagels. I'll bring a vat of Peet's coffee for sipping along with your lunch. Looking forward to seeing you again, and do RSVP for a bagel. Sylvia

September 25 at 12:00pm Dr. Lorraine Schnurr, who has a psychotherapy practice in the East Bay and was formerly a Hillside Club board member, will be hosting our September 25 Last Friday Ladies (and Gents) From noon to 1:15 or later, typically over lunch. The discussion will be about "Ways To Survive the Pandemic" with participants having the chance to contribute via Zoom.

LAST FRIDAY LADIES LUNCH FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 FREE LUNCHTIME LECTURES FROM NOON-1:30PM Our January 31 Last Friday Ladies Lunch features Amana Harris, executive director of Attitudinal Healing Connection, a West Oakland center that provides art and design classes for 2,500 children and teachers a year. These classes incorporate attitudinal healing to develop resilience. Lunch is a potluck and open to all, regardless of gender or species. See you Friday, January 31, from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Friday, October 25, from NOON to 1:30 p.m.

Our next lunch is Friday, October 25, from NOON to 1:30 p.m. at the Hillside Club, 2286 Cedar St., in Berkeley, a few blocks what was formerly called the Gourmet Ghetto. Gourmet or not, lunch is potluck so bring something edible to share. Our speaker is Betsy Thagard, formerly a non-profit (what other kind?) environmental attorney who saw the light and became a different kind of realtor, one who calls herself "green" and who will demonstrate how to green your house and consequently your life, or at least the part that resides in your home. She gives 10 percent of her real estate commissions to environmental and affordable housing non-profits, so feel free to ask her to consider donating to your favorite, similar non-profits as well. No need to RSVP, and feel free to bring friends. ​Friday, May 31, from noon to 1:30 Lecture and Potluck Lunch Featuring "BlogHer" co-founder Elisa Camahort Page and co-author of the new handbook for social and political activism: Road Map for Revolutionaries: Resistance, Activism, and Advocacy for All, published by Ten Speed Press. If you are pissed off with the way things are in your community, workplace, or the world, come find out how to change them. RSVP if you might want to buy a signed copy of Elisa's book. Otherwise, just come and bring a dish to share. Sylvia


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