Once Upon a Hillside: 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 years ago
June 1899
Jun 5: An important meeting of the Hillside Club will be held tomorrow at the residence
of Mrs. V. D. Moody of 1725 Le Roy Avenue [Weltevreden]. The time of convening is 4
p.m., and the attendance of the entire membership is desired.
Jun 7: The Hillside Club met yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock with Mrs. V. D. Moody,
1725 Le Roy Avenue. The afternoon was spent in reviewing the work which had been
accomplished. Owing to the absence of the secretary, who had several important matters
to present, but little of a business nature was transacted. The Club will meet next Tuesday
afternoon at the same hour and place as yesterday’s meeting.
Jun 14: The Hillside Club met yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, with Mrs. V. D. Moody,
1725 Le Roy Avenue. The club is looking up a site for a school house in the Scenic Tract,
to take the place of the Rose Street school. Several available places were suggested.
June 1924
[The Hillside Clubhouse was destroyed in the Berkeley Fire of 17 September 1923.
Normally, the Club hibernated over the summer, but in 1924 they were building the new
Director’s Meeting, Jun 9: Mr. McFarlan made a report for the Building Committee on
the proposed contracts for painting the new Clubhouse: interior $1250, overhang and
eaves $175. Mr. Leland was made chairman on lighting fixtures for the new clubhouse.
Mrs. Hale was made chairman of the committee on furnishings for the kitchen and
housekeeper’s quarters. Mr. Clark was made chairman of a committee on chairs for the
clubhouse. Mrs. Hoye (who was burned out in the Fire) was rehired as housekeeper
beginning July 1, 1924. Mrs. Kelley, housekeeper of Town and Gown Club, was to be
sent a gift of $25 in appreciation of her work for the Hillside Club while we met at the
Town and Gown Clubhouse.
Special Director’s Meeting, Jun 23: Mrs. Foster’s report showed samples of the different
styles of dishes and other kitchenwares. Blue Copenhagen, $149 for 17 dozen cups and
plates, spoons, ½ dozen creamers and sugars, punch bowl, 6 enamel pitchers, 6 aluminum
trays 22x16, one punch ladle.
Mrs. Rees reported on drapes and shades: it was difficult to find materials for curtains
between $3 and $6 or more. One fairly good material at $2.65. Estimate stage curtain at
$267, long windows $175, landing $39.40, balcony $15, rods and brackets $55-60.
Prof. Clark reported on chairs, with examples. Big chairs, 17 dozen $918. Simmons, 200
at $2.65. Rawhide, 200 at $4.30. Proposed budget $750. Prof. Clark was to look further to
get better chairs at less money if possible, better color and more comfortable.
Mr. Osborn reporting on lighting, including four main chandeliers. Rough estimate, $175.
Suggested budget $175.
Mrs. Shaw reporting on furniture for Committee Room [probably what we call the
greenroom]. Art Rattan Works, Oakland, good chair $7.50 or $10. Arm chair $15, round
table 36” $12.50. Suggested budget $150.
Mr. McFarlan, no report but a plan for backstage hangings. Suggested budget $300.
Mrs. Hale for kitchen and quarters. Mrs. Hoye has some furniture for her quarters, will
need additional pieces. Stoves, pots, pans, etc. Estimated budget $200.
Insurance policies submitted in total amount of $15,000. Moved and carried that the $170
premium be paid to Phoenix.