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History Corner - March 2023

by David Mostardi, Club Historian

Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

March 1923

Business Meeting, March 5

Camp Fire Girls: President C. W. Whitney introduced Mrs. Kibbe who gave a brief talk

to acquaint the members with the Camp Fire Organization. After Mrs. Kibbe, Mrs.

Marston spoke in high commendation of the work of the organization, as did Mrs. C. W.

[Margaret] Whitney. Upon motion it was carried that the Hillside Club endorse the work

of the Camp Fire and its request that provision be made in the Community Chest Budget

for its support, at least to the extent of giving it funds for the employment of a field

worker and the establishment and maintenance of Camp Fire Headquarters in Berkeley.

[Margaret Mason Whitney (1877-1953), a Hillside Club member for 24 years, was

clearly a huge booster for Camp Fire. Two cartons of her papers on the Berkeley Council

of the Camp Fire Girls are held at the Bancroft Library; they include correspondence,

biographical materials, financial records, notebooks, minutes of meetings, theater

programs, and photographs.]

Tribute to the Maybecks: President Whitney then called upon Mr. Galloway to bring

before the Club a recommendation to the Board of Directors. After a tribute to Mr. and

Mrs. Bernard Maybeck, Mr. Galloway moved a motion that Mr. and Mrs. Maybeck be

elected honorary member of the Club. The motion was unanimously carried.

Architectural influence: Mrs. Foulds brought before the Club the matter of the new

Pacific School of Religion, with the hope that the Hillside Club might use its influence in

having the building for the school be such as to give pleasure to Berkeley. Mr. Bradley

moved that the President appoint a committee to call on the Managers of the Pacific

School of Religion to inquire into the architecture and sightliness of the building to be

placed in North Berkeley.

Slide show: The business of the evening was followed by the darkening of the hall and a

delightful illuminated travel talk was given by former president Mr. Russell Osborn. His

extended trip through Europe gave him the opportunity to entertain with a description of

many of the most interesting and charming places visited. In particular was his

description of the scenes of the Passion Play at Oberammergau, of interest to the many

members and their friends who gathered to enjoy the expected treat. [Oberammergau is a

town of 5,400 people in southern Bavaria, a few miles from the Austrian border. A

passion play depicting the final days of Jesus’s life has been performed in Oberammergau

every ten years since 1630s. The 2020 play, postponed by COVID-19 until 2022,

involved about half the population of the town. The play is over five hours long, with a

long break for dinner, and is performed from May through October.]

March 1948

Fireside Meeting: The Civic Affairs Section presents Mr. Ross Miller, City Manager of

Berkeley, who will speak on the subject “Berkeley, the Growing City.”

Garden Festival: A century of gardening in California culminates in our Garden Festival

this year under the able direction of our chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moody. They

ask that you save the finest of the blooms and potted plants that you have perfected

during the past 100 years for exhibition on March 15th. Mrs. Kimball is in charge of

these specimen displays and will contact you concerning them. This is a leap year, so the

men of the Club will do table arrangements. Horace Ivie, Bill Alexander and Will

Mathews are fostering this unique feature and promise that the men will present some

interesting tables. There will be a Kodachrome film appropriate to the occasion.

March 1973

Asilomar Tour: Hillsiders are now familiar with the procedures for early departure for the

weekend tours, so follow the directions on the flyer sent to you with the January bulletin.

As you know, this occasion combines the tour with a theater party scheduled by the

Dramatic Activities Committee on Saturday night at the first theater in California. [The

First Theater in California, at the corner of Pacific and Scott in Monterey, was built in

1846 as a lodging house and tavern for sailors. It was first used as a theater in 1850.]

Fireside Meeting: Our program will be presented by Mr. William Carter, well-known

author and photographer, on the subject of “Ghost Towns.” Mrs. Carter will discuss the

general nature of his ghost town project, and the historical background of the towns,

accompanied by color slides of numerous scenes. His latest book, “Ghost Towns of the

Middle West,” has just been published. [William Carter was born in Los Angeles in 1934

and graduated from Stanford in 1957. He remains a noted photojournalist and has

exhibited in museums around the world.]

Garden Festival: The theme for this year’s Garden Festival will be a salute to various

countries of the world, as displayed in place settings of treasured pieces brought back by

traveling Hillsiders. Major emphasis of the evening will be on Scandinavia since the

program will be the showing of 16mm color movies taken last fall in Norway, Sweden,

and Denmark by Bayard Rucker.

March 1998

The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you

know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the

early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!

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