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History Corner March 2022

The History Corner

by David Mostardi, Club Historian

Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

March 1922

Business Meeting: Following the short business session, Professor E. T. Williams, Professor of Oriental Language and Literature at the University of California, will speak informally on the Peace Conference. Prof. Williams was called last fall to the Conference at Washington as a Special Assistant to the American Delegation in Far East Questions. At the Versailles Conference he occupied the position of American Technical Delegate on Far East Questions. [The “peace conference” probably refers to the Washington Naval Conference of 1921-22, convened by the US and eight other naval powers to attempt to relieve growing tensions in East Asia. … Edward Thomas Williams (1854-1944) was born in Columbus, Ohio and earned his bachelor’s, master’s, and Doctor of Laws at Bethany College, West Virginia. He went to China in 1887, where he served as a Protestant missionary for nine years. In 1896 he was appointed interpreter to the American Consul General in Shanghai and later Chinese Secretary to the American Legation in Peking, where he remained from 1901 to 1908. He became Consul General at Tientsin in 1908, then Assistant Chief of Division of Far Eastern Affairs in the State Department in 1909. During the tumultuous beginning of the Xinhai Revolution which overthrew the Qing Dynasty, he was Secretary of the Legation in Peking, and Charge d'Affaires in 1911 and 1913. From 1914 to 1918 he was Chief of Division of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State. In 1918 he accepted the Agassiz chair in the Department of Oriental Languages, a post he held until he retired in 1927. Williams donated his extensive library of Chinese classics, history, and literary works to the University, which now forms an important part of the University’s collection.]

March 1947

Unfortunately, there is no March 1947 bulletin in the Club archives.

March 1972

Fireside Meeting: Richard Hillman, one of our newer members, will present three prize-winning public speakers from his classes at Albany High School. Their talks will cover such diverse subjects as “Education, As I See It,” “The Challenge of Freedom,” and “The Constitution, A Timeless Document.” The viewpoint of youth on these matters, which is so important to all of us, should prove enlightening and interesting.

Garden Festival: “Dandelions to Orchids” is the theme this year for our Garden Festival. The clubhouse will be decorated to illustrate the fact that no matter how common or how aristocratic a flower may be, it is still beautiful and should be enjoyed by all. Geoge Woodward, manager of Shaffer’s Tropical Gardens, Inc., will bring an illustrated lecture on gardens and orchids throughout the Orient. Mr. Woodward is a most entertaining lecturer. Again we will have our very successful give-away table. The committee hopes all members will participate by both contributing and helping themselves to something long wanted.

March 1997

The Club’s archive of printed monthly newsletters ended with the May 1994 issue. If you know of a source for any newsletters between 1994 and the Club’s renaissance in the early 2000s, your historian would love to hear about it!

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