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Fireside Presentation - February 2023

February 6th, 2023 at the Hillside Club - 7:30pm

Dr. Mo Budak may be retired from his 44 years of his cosmetic and restorative dentistry practice in Sunnyvale, teaching on the faculty of the UCLA School of Dentistry, and serving as president of the Northern California Academy of Dental Research, but in the past four years his intensive research into forensic odontology (the identification and analysis of human teeth and other oral structures in a legal context) and the history of dentistry has yielded a new vocation: presentations throughout California on mysteries the teeth can tell.

Specifically, Budak will present a highly entertaining and informative talk, "When Teeth Tell a Tale: The History and the Mystery of Forensic Odontology in Search of Nazi War Criminals." It's rumored that a live ukulele performance by the multi-talented dentist-turned-forensic dental historian will accompany the presentation.


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