The Zen of Autumn Planting:
Communing with Compost, Delving into the Dirt, and Eating your Efforts!
Gardening and producing your own food and plants can bring a sense of pride, satisfaction, and trust knowing exactly where your food is coming from. And composting can be an enriching and environmentally friendly way of disposing of old produce and degradable items that can help your gardening ventures. That kind of rot we are happy to have in abundance!
Now is the ideal time to plan your fall garden to have edible options even in the cool weather, and the perfect time for planting herbs, many trees, and other food-bearing crops. We chose this topic knowing how much our Club members enjoyed discussing their spring gardens this year. Let’s look forward to showing off our collective bounty next spring!
Our speaker is Lori Caldwell, who calls herself CompostGal. Lori is an Alameda County Master Composter, self-taught edible gardener, and residential sheet mulch maven. Her mission: “To connect people to the soil and all that it provides” She has been happily teaching sustainable gardening classes and transforming yards in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2007.
Members: Log in at 7 pm for greetings and Club announcements, followed by some time in break-out rooms and some more personal time with fellow members. The presentation will begin promptly at 7:30 pm, and will be followed by a Q & A session.