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December 2017

The History Corner

by David Mostardi, Club Historian

Once Upon A Hillside: 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago

December 1917

War Relief: Mrs. A. S. Eakle, Chairman of the War Service Committee, made the following report of the work of the committee to date, viz: made new garments 720, comfort bags 98, garments made for Red Cross 35, garments knitted 34, received from Girls of Corning High School 183 garments, which were sent to France. Sent to Belgium 211 garments and shoes. The committee received Sep 26-Nov 1st, $81.86, expended $31.15 including $27.20 for comfort bags for French soldiers, $11 for knitting wool, $3 to Armenian Fund. Moved by Mr. Todd and carried, that the Club purchase a service flag.

Mrs. H. F. Jackson, formerly a member of the Club, addressed the meeting on the relief work being carried on for the Belgian children. She offered Christmas cards for sale for the benefit of the cause. The members of the Club that were present responded promptly and generously, purchasing about $15 worth of the cards then and there, more than had been purchased by any other club in Berkeley.

Christmas Ceremonial: “The Star of Democracy.” Seven tableaux were presented as part of the Ceremonial: “The Nativity,” “The Good Samaritan,” “The vision of Constantine,” “The Pilgrims at Plymouth,” “Lafayette at Washington’s Camp,” “American Red Cross in Europe,” and “American Joining the Allies.” Each of us was impressed, and more than ever proud of our privilege of membership in the Hillside Club.

December 1942

Fireside Meeting: The Peace Plan Discussion Group has invited Professor and Mrs. Roy Smith, who lived in Japan for many years. Professor Smith was Professor of Foreign Business Administration at the Government University of Commerce in Kobe for thirty-five years and returned to this country on the last trip of the Gripsholm [From 1942 to 1946, the United States Department of State chartered the MS Gripsholm as an exchange and repatriation ship, carrying Japanese and German nationals to exchange points where she then picked up US and Canadian citizens (or British citizens married to Americans or Canadians) to bring home to the USA and Canada.]. Mrs. Smith taught not only in the same university for many years, but in other colleges, including the State College for men in Kobe. The story that the Smiths will bring to us after their many years of association with the Japanese should be of special interest at this time.

December 1967

Fireside Meeting: The speaker this evening will be Mr. G. B. Talbot, Director of the Tiburon Marine Laboratory, M. G. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, who will tell of underwater explorations with the Bureau’s two-man submarine and other interesting fisheries studies. He will also show a short motion picture “Why Biologists Dive.” [The Tiburon Marine Laboratory, now the Romberg Tiburon Center, was founded in 1978, but the site’s modern history stretches back to 1877 when it was used to dry and process codfish. The Navy purchased the property in 1905, and in the 1930s the site was used to reel cables during the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. The Romberg Center’s current mission is to illuminate the vital connections between science, society, and the sea.]

Children’s Christmas Party: This special event is for children, parents, and grandparents. Singing, storytelling, games with prizes, Santa Claus with gifts, and refreshments are planned. For each child you bring, be sure to have a wrapped gift clearly marked with the child’s full name. Gifts should cost no more than $1.25 each.

December 1992

New Year’s Eve Party: Our fabulous New Year’s Eve Party is with us again which gives all Hillsiders and their friends an opportunity to greet 1993 in great style. The theme will be Latin America, olé! So dress accordingly if you wish. We will have smooth dance music from the 40s and 50s for dancing or just to listen to, plus entertainment and skits. Food and drink will be available throughout the evening, including a mild punch from our well-known ice bowls. Plus: Party favors! Balloons! Champagne at midnight! Grand Serpentine!

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